ClearIt 16 screenshot

ClearIt 16

Average Rating 0 player review(s) ( 0 out of 5.0 )

Gather the balls of the same hue as you progress through the game's several levels.

ClearIt 16 thumb 1 ClearIt 16 thumb 2 ClearIt 16 thumb 3

Game Description

To complete the game, pass all 190 levels. In the middle of the field is a sculpture made of balls. The balls for shooting are positioned at the right, left, up, and down edges of the playing field. Choose any ball and set the clock on it from the row closest to the field. It will continue moving in a straight line until it collides with another ball or the edge of the field. Following that, if balls of the same hue appear side by side, they will vanish. To make every ball on the field vanish, shoot.

- 190 levels.
- dynamic gameplay with eye-catching animation.
- 10 hours of game time.

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