Elven Legend 5: The Fateful Tournament CE screenshot

Elven Legend 5: The Fateful Tournament CE

Average Rating 0 player review(s) ( 0 out of 5.0 )

Our heroes have to win the tournament and destroy the conspiracy!

Elven Legend 5: The Fateful Tournament CE thumb 1 Elven Legend 5: The Fateful Tournament CE thumb 2 Elven Legend 5: The Fateful Tournament CE thumb 3

Game Description

Aerin’s father, the elven king, promises to marry his daughter to the winner of the tournament. It is a shock to Aerin, but she has to obey her father's wishes so her beloved Tillian participates in the tournament. Can Tillian win the tournament with your help?

Meanwhile, disaster has struck the kingdom and threatens to drown it in chaos. Help our heroes win the tournament and overcome all obstacles!


-  10 exciting bonus levels!
-  Complete walkthrough for each level of the game
-  Beautiful wallpapers and concept art
-  Galleries of hidden objects and collectibles!

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