Game Description
Sort, Sell and Splurge! Fabulous Finds delivers a unique combination of hidden objects, yard sale brainteasers and room renovating fun in one exciting adventure. After inheriting a beautiful home in Carmel, California from your Great Aunt Beatrice, you arrive to find a diamond in the rough. Aunt Bea’s larger than life personality and equally eccentric collector’s eye isn't exactly a fit for your personal style. With a passion for interior design, but a pocketbook that doesn't quite fit the fervor, there is only one thing to do...Yard Sale! Rummage through rooms to find items that will fit the theme of your upcoming yard sale. Match shoppers to the treasures they desire, then use your profit to redecorate each room to your heart's content. With a knack for selling and an eye for design, you'll turn this house into your very own cherished home - and your Fabulous Finds could be paving the path to your future!