Fantasy Mosaics 38: Underwater Adventure screenshot

Fantasy Mosaics 38: Underwater Adventure

Average Rating 0 player review(s) ( 0 out of 5.0 )

Join Penguin Harry to explore underwater mosaic puzzles! In Fantasy Mosaics 38: Underwater Adventure

Fantasy Mosaics 38: Underwater Adventure thumb 1 Fantasy Mosaics 38: Underwater Adventure thumb 2 Fantasy Mosaics 38: Underwater Adventure thumb 3

Game Description

Penguin Harry is taking a vacation to explore the underwater world! Let's join him to discover a new collection of colorful mosaic puzzles! Get ready for exciting mini games along the way and enjoy a variety of challenging game modes!

- A variety of gameplay choices!
- New underwater mini games
- Zen mode and secret colors!
- Puzzles based on logic

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