Grim Tales: Dual Disposition screenshot

Grim Tales: Dual Disposition

Average Rating 0 player review(s) ( 0 out of 5.0 )

Can you prevent the magic from being destroyed by your lookalike?

Grim Tales: Dual Disposition thumb 1 Grim Tales: Dual Disposition thumb 2 Grim Tales: Dual Disposition thumb 3

Game Description

Anna Gray is called in to investigate the break-in and ransacking of an unusual souvenir business. But you're surprised to discover that you're the main suspect when you get there! Your duplicate intends to stop the magic from happening and steal your powers in the process. Discovering Lady A's wicked schemes and traveling to new universes will require all of your abilities and knowledge. Can you cooperate with long-time allies to preserve the magical sources and promptly clear your name? In this thrilling Hidden-Object Puzzle Adventure, find out!

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