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Luxor Adventures

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Travel to the edge of time and back with the Ancient Egyptian gods!

Luxor Adventures thumb 1 Luxor Adventures thumb 2 Luxor Adventures thumb 3

Game Description

Travel to the edge of time and back in Luxor Adventure! In this hidden object adventure, follow John Swift and Jane Graham as they travel through the past to keep history intact. When the archaeology duo uncovers the Osiris Orb just outside of LUXOR, they learn that the mythical Stairway to Heaven could actually be real! Now they find themselves tumbling through time and space in a race to keep the deceptive, power-hungry Seth Hisster from changing history forever.

Recover a list of items misplaced in time to restore balance to the universe while collecting mystical orbs that will help John and Jane close the dangerous portal. Along the way, they'll meet legends like Leonardo da Vinci, Amelia Earhart and Benjamin Franklin as they race against the clock to set things right. As they collect their finds, you'll have to conquer classic LUXOR marble shooter action and match three games to continue moving John and Jane's search forward.

Time is of the essence - stop Hisster before it's too late in Luxor Advenure!

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